the upper title may be substituted with whichever title you have for your wip.

basic information

to live,

to die,

Pov**・** Current Wordcount・ PinsPlaylist

Rough 1-3 description of project. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent a suscipit purus. Quisque iaculis augue ac accumsan varius. Morbi non nisi at ligula accumsan volutpat. Quisque vulputate varius dictum.

table of contents

to tell the tale,

The synopsis goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum leo dolor, nec efficitur orci fringilla vel. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce euismod tincidunt luctus. Nulla nunc turpis, scelerisque sed tempor et, interdum nec elit. Morbi vitae fringilla dolor. Sed fermentum accumsan purus lacinia lobortis. Pellentesque rhoncus ante vitae felis bibendum, sed egestas tellus viverra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

In enim urna, finibus ac dui quis, imperdiet accumsan odio. Vivamus mollis magna elit, eu accumsan augue iaculis id. Duis vel mauris ut justo fringilla dignissim. Donec vel vulputate tortor, ac faucibus tellus. Curabitur fringilla urna ac tellus tempor, eget maximus est vestibulum. Donec magna risus, iaculis in orci quis, auctor faucibus metus. Morbi sed arcu in elit suscipit luctus sed eu sapien. Praesent nec justo vehicula, mattis turpis vel, ornare est.

tw warnings, triggers, etc.


in all its glory,

to-do list

Type anything here, such as deadlines and whatever else you'd wish to type relating to the to-do list. Or a general note.


enter the players


where all monsters lurk,

the fountain of youth

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum leo dolor, nec efficitur orci fringilla vel. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce euismod tincidunt luctus. Nulla nunc turpis, scelerisque sed tempor et, interdum nec elit.

aesthetics**・ blue waters・reflection of ancestors・mirrors** **

one who touches the waters of god is born anew and lives another century.

one who touches the waters of god is born anew and lives another century.

the cursed forest

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum leo dolor, nec efficitur orci fringilla vel. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce euismod tincidunt luctus. Nulla nunc turpis, scelerisque sed tempor et, interdum nec elit.

aesthetics**・ green lands・eternal silence・path not taken** **

there where the path doesn't lead, sleep the fairies, waiting for the next mortal to come.

there where the path doesn't lead, sleep the fairies, waiting for the next mortal to come.

the fountain of youth

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum leo dolor, nec efficitur orci fringilla vel. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce euismod tincidunt luctus. Nulla nunc turpis, scelerisque sed tempor et, interdum nec elit.

aesthetics**・ blue waters・reflection of ancestors・mirrors** **

one who touches the waters of god is born anew and lives another century.

one who touches the waters of god is born anew and lives another century.

the cursed forest

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum leo dolor, nec efficitur orci fringilla vel. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce euismod tincidunt luctus. Nulla nunc turpis, scelerisque sed tempor et, interdum nec elit.

aesthetics**・ green lands・eternal silence・path not taken** **

there where the path doesn't lead, sleep the fairies, waiting for the next mortal to come.

there where the path doesn't lead, sleep the fairies, waiting for the next mortal to come.

the fountain of youth

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum leo dolor, nec efficitur orci fringilla vel. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce euismod tincidunt luctus. Nulla nunc turpis, scelerisque sed tempor et, interdum nec elit.

aesthetics**・ blue waters・reflection of ancestors・mirrors** **

one who touches the waters of god is born anew and lives another century.

one who touches the waters of god is born anew and lives another century.

the cursed forest

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum leo dolor, nec efficitur orci fringilla vel. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce euismod tincidunt luctus. Nulla nunc turpis, scelerisque sed tempor et, interdum nec elit.

aesthetics**・ green lands・eternal silence・path not taken** **

there where the path doesn't lead, sleep the fairies, waiting for the next mortal to come.

there where the path doesn't lead, sleep the fairies, waiting for the next mortal to come.

the royal lands,